Data can be requested by researchers and implementers who wish to use the data for scientific purposes, including replicating results, conducting their own research, or planning programs to reduce harmful alcohol use

1. Explore and Identify a Data Set

All of the data sets available for request have been organized by country, year, respondent type, and topic in a simple filter tool that can be accessed here. Selecting a data set from the tool will provide further details about the research used to collect the data, variables included in the data set, and more.

2. Request Access or Submit an Inquiry

If you have identified a data set that you would like to access through the filter tool, you can request access using the “Request Access to this Data Set” button on the page for that data set. You may request data by navigating to the Data Sharing Agreement. Both methods will ultimately navigate you to the same page – the Data Sharing Agreement.

Alternatively, if you would like to ask a question regarding a data set or its contents use the “Submit an Inquiry” button on the corresponding data set page. You may also navigate to the general Inquiry page and submit your question there. A member of the HBSA team will review the question and get back to you within 5 business days. If you do not receive a follow up within this time, please contact Dr. Joel W. Grube at

For the data request form, you will need to provide your name, email, affiliation, and a short, 500-750 word description of your intended use of the data. This includes the objective of your research, the research question to be investigated, and information regarding data storage and data security safeguards.

You will also be required to submit a conflict of interest form.

Criteria for release of Global Smart Drinking Goals (GSDG) City Pilot program data include:

  1. Data must be requested for research or technical assistance rather than commercial or other non-research purposes (e.g., release to media)
  2. Appropriateness of data requested (i.e., datasets, variables) to the stated study purpose and the research questions to be investigated
  3. Provision of ethical clearances for proposed research using GSDG City Pilot program data
  4. Adequate data security safeguards and data storage plans
  5. Provision of data destruction plan after retention period expires

After submitting the request, a member of the HBSA data management team will reach out by email.

If you do not receive a follow up within three days, please reach out to: Dr. Joel W. Grube,

Due to sensitive information and respondent confidentiality, some of the data sets are only available for limited access. The data sets that fall in this category have disclaimers on their landing pages. However, if you are interested in the outcomes HBSA can provide in-depth analyses. For further questions on these data sets, please contact Dr. Joel W. Grube at

3. Accessing the Requested Data Sets

After any additional clarifications, the HBSA data management team will provide you with a username and password to the Global Smart Drinking Goals Data Library SharePoint where you will be able to access the requested data sets and related documentation.

Prior to accessing the data sets you will be required to sign the data sharing agreement. By signing the Data Sharing Agreement, you will agree to the following:

  1. Not to attempt to reidentify or contact subjects who provided the data or link them to other datasets (which is a form of reidentification). Any personal identifying information that is inadvertently found must not be disclosed and the Foundation must be notified immediately
  2. To comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations as well as the Foundation’s Data Sharing Policy regarding the use, disclosure or other processing of GSDG program data
  3. Not to transfer data to third parties without a request and approval of permission, which can be submitted to the HBSA management team
  4. To inform HBSA at least 15 business days prior to publicly disseminating GSDG program data, findings, or other publications (manuscripts, presentations) to allow the Foundation to prepare to respond to the public release
  5. To include an appropriate acknowledgment and disclaimer in publications using GSDG data.

4. Follow Up

It is expected that data recipients will provide regular updates on projects for which the data is used. Follow-up will also be conducted by HBSA to ensure that the data shared is meeting the needs of the researcher.

For research using data from the GSDG Data Library, please state this in the methodology and acknowledgment sections of planned reports and publications.

Sample Statement:
Data for this analysis were acquired through the Global Smart Drinking Goals Data Library. For more information see:

To search through the data sets visit the Data Explorer.